elephants and reptiles. My style is getting more simplier cause honestly THEY DON'T GIVE ME ENOUGH TIME. I have like one day to do everything lmao I need to do other assignments

    elephants and reptiles. My style is getting more simplier cause honestly THEY DON'T GIVE ME ENOUGH TIME.
I have like one day to do everything lmao I need to do other assignments

    in class doodle- I can't believe I found time to actually draw non homework

    in class doodle-
I can't believe I found time to actually draw non homework

    WIP, I am so sleepy from sketching ...

    WIP, I am so sleepy from sketching ...

    hands cramping from drawing this one is the Doctor. Previous one was Herbalist. WIP ;;A;; I am doing this in quick speed because the assignment is due and I have bad time management

    hands cramping from drawing
this one is the Doctor.
Previous one was Herbalist.
WIP ;;A;; I am doing this in quick speed because the assignment is due and I have bad time management

    done with the doctor's stuff sketch. I never want to see this ever again. I did this so fast my hands need a long massage.

    done with the doctor's stuff sketch.
I never want to see this ever again. I did this so fast my hands need a long massage.