quick doodle. rn im doing another assignment and we have to draw........a train jfc

    quick doodle. rn im doing another assignment and we have to draw........a train jfc

    I always catch one of my teachers feeding cats outside the school. Everyone says he is friendly but I still find him scary (I find most teachers scary really) Here's cute artsu of him. Maybe the reason why he doesn't like me is because I always doodle in between assignments www

    I always catch one of my teachers feeding cats outside the school. Everyone says he is friendly but I still find him scary (I find most teachers scary really)

Here's cute artsu of him.
Maybe the reason why he doesn't like me is because I always doodle in between assignments www

    ok fine heres the quick sketch.

    ok fine heres the quick sketch.

    Lmao here's my bokbok. Ok time to go do the assignment after this that's gonna break my hands

    Lmao here's my bokbok.
Ok time to go do the assignment after this that's gonna break my hands

    This week im sketching phones? Im getting lazier at my sketching homework every week

    This week im sketching phones?
Im getting lazier at my sketching homework every week