Gabi 🇵🇪@yamineftis

    Like, he will never admit how playing with Karasuno and sp the two vb idiots got him to that point, got him to care enough, got him to accept he didn't want to let go And...he also had to acknowledge his talent enough to accept he could do it (bet he got team offers)... Just ?

    Like, he will never admit how playing with Karasuno and sp the two vb idiots got him to that point, got him to care enough, got him to accept he didn't want to let go

And...he also had to acknowledge his talent enough to accept he could do it (bet he got team offers)...
Just ?
    Gabi 🇵🇪@yamineftis

    I think I can try this ?

    I think I can try this ?
    Gabi 🇵🇪@yamineftis

    New Blue Exorcist made me tear up, I love how they showed Shiro being a dad even tho he wasn't sure how to do it well and.....that bit about him learning to cook to teach Rin cuz it'd help him control himself..... ? And the ending...oh gosh

    New Blue Exorcist made me tear up, I love how they showed Shiro being a dad even tho he wasn't sure how to do it well and.....that bit about him learning to cook to teach Rin cuz it'd help him control himself..... ? 

And the ending...oh gosh
    Gabi 🇵🇪@yamineftis

    Wee I had fun with these, thank u!

    Wee I had fun with these, thank u!
    Gabi 🇵🇪@yamineftis

    Spot the difference

    Spot the difference
    Spot the difference

