lyn 🔸@MAMETCHl

    my drawings in my journal from a month ago lol. I was rly depressed for multiple months (i'm always at least a little depressed tho ?) but lately i have a little bit more energy and feel a bit more ~~normal~~ ❤️ it always gets better okkkk

    my drawings in my journal from a month ago lol. I was rly depressed for multiple months (i'm always at least a little depressed tho ?) but lately i have a little bit more energy and feel a bit more ~~normal~~ ❤️ 
it always gets better okkkk
    lyn 🔸@MAMETCHl

    bf and i have been rewatching yugioh together and i never forget how much i looooove yugioh so much ?? only og followers will remember my crusty old yugioh fanart from when i used to draw visible noses back in the day

    bf and i have been rewatching yugioh together and i never forget how much i looooove yugioh so much ??
only og followers will remember my crusty old yugioh fanart from when i used to draw visible noses back in the day
    bf and i have been rewatching yugioh together and i never forget how much i looooove yugioh so much ??
only og followers will remember my crusty old yugioh fanart from when i used to draw visible noses back in the day
    bf and i have been rewatching yugioh together and i never forget how much i looooove yugioh so much ??
only og followers will remember my crusty old yugioh fanart from when i used to draw visible noses back in the day
    lyn 🔸@MAMETCHl

    my digital stuff is always lowres so this is just scanned old traditional stuff lol (mostly from my astronomy themed inktober couple years ago) #100percentzoom

    my digital stuff is always lowres so this is just scanned old traditional stuff lol (mostly from my astronomy themed inktober couple years ago) #100percentzoom
    my digital stuff is always lowres so this is just scanned old traditional stuff lol (mostly from my astronomy themed inktober couple years ago) #100percentzoom
    my digital stuff is always lowres so this is just scanned old traditional stuff lol (mostly from my astronomy themed inktober couple years ago) #100percentzoom
    my digital stuff is always lowres so this is just scanned old traditional stuff lol (mostly from my astronomy themed inktober couple years ago) #100percentzoom
    lyn 🔸@MAMETCHl

    wait everyone makes jokes about characters wearing bdsm clothes in yugioh buy they rly actually have bdsm stuff in yugioh????? ???

    wait everyone makes jokes about characters wearing bdsm clothes in yugioh buy they rly actually have bdsm stuff in yugioh????? ???
    wait everyone makes jokes about characters wearing bdsm clothes in yugioh buy they rly actually have bdsm stuff in yugioh????? ???
    lyn 🔸@MAMETCHl

    thank you for the raids today @kuzuryuio @YomikuArt @Cece_VR ?and thank you @haruka_karibu @Girl_Dm_ @Buffpup_ @PorcelainMaid @Uxieuuu for coming and keeping me some company it was a party ?❤️ i was having a bad draw day but it was a fun time!!!!!!!

    thank you for the raids today @kuzuryuio @YomikuArt  @Cece_VR ?and thank you @haruka_karibu @Girl_Dm_ @Buffpup_ @PorcelainMaid @Uxieuuu  for coming and keeping me some company it was a party ?❤️ i was having a bad draw day but it was a fun time!!!!!!!

