My catalog for AFASG 2022! I will be at Tsunobaka, aka the critically acclaimed CH XIV(14) at the Creator Hub with some of my swaggy galpals👹🐑🐑come find us and talk to our tired old breaking bones
As a 3rd year anniversary thing I just started a month long 50% discounted sale for my 2019 cagbook on itch👸🐍🎀 coupon code: cag50off if you have subbed to my patreon you can get it fully free:
Not sure if anyone has done it yet, but around last night I tried to recreate some patterns based on the twst bloomquet birthday robes while preparing sebek's bday pic🤪 they aren't very accurate but i tried my best!!! feel free to use if you want to draw/make cosplay outfits lol
? emo friday night
passing down my sacred knowledge
passing down my sacred knowledge again.
Hiii It is the time of the year again! Theme this year is Jiangshi/kyonshi instead of succubus, req a chara with more than 5 kofis to get a bw doodle of them! No OC/Real people☠️ Bc of overwhelming no of reqs last year I limited to 10 slots this time!?
Wat if they are maids ?✍??
hmmm some daki suggestions by people lol now i realise it is hard to draw dakis without repeating poses