Tim Kaminski@randomspirits

    Thumbnail explorations.

    Thumbnail explorations.
    Tim Kaminski@randomspirits

    Thumbnail party and all of these thumbs are invited! Any favorites?

    Thumbnail party and all of these thumbs are invited!

Any favorites?
    Tim Kaminski@randomspirits

    Played around in @Krita_Painting and did some thumbnails - what a lovely program! Did this while hanging out with the @warriorpainters on discord.

    Played around in @Krita_Painting and did some thumbnails - what a lovely program! 

Did this while hanging out with the @warriorpainters on discord.
    Tim Kaminski@randomspirits

    Thumbnail explorations. I'm liking 1 and 5, Any favs?

    Thumbnail explorations. I'm liking 1 and 5, Any favs?
    Tim Kaminski@randomspirits

    Help me I've made too many choices! ?

    Help me I've made too many choices! ?
    Help me I've made too many choices! ?