Posted this at the beginning of lockdown. Things haven't changed much!

    Posted this at the beginning of lockdown. Things haven't changed much!



    #DeviantArt20 DeviantArt is 20 years old! Here's my oldest piece still on the site, a comic I drew in 2006 about why there's chicken poop on eggs in Europe. I now know why (Americans are the weird ones, cleaning the natural coating off our eggs) but it was novel at the time.

    #DeviantArt20 DeviantArt is 20 years old! Here's my oldest piece still on the site, a comic I drew in 2006 about why there's chicken poop on eggs in Europe. I now know why (Americans are the weird ones, cleaning the natural coating off our eggs) but it was novel at the time.

    @AllieKnitNinja Oh dang look at this oldie I dug up hahahaha cc @cougrr

    @AllieKnitNinja Oh dang look at this oldie I dug up hahahaha cc @cougrr

    @artyewok @AllieKnitNinja @cougrr YES. Also I found these. I don't remember the context, do you?

    @artyewok @AllieKnitNinja @cougrr YES. Also I found these. I don't remember the context, do you?
    @artyewok @AllieKnitNinja @cougrr YES. Also I found these. I don't remember the context, do you?

