I've been super busy with a lot on my mind lately. The two biggest things are I'm finishing up a massive website redesign project for my biggest client. It's my first time project managing so the pressure is on. That plus we're prepping my late FIL's house to sell. Le Tired

    I've been super busy with a lot on my mind lately. The two biggest things are I'm finishing up a massive website redesign project for my biggest client. It's my first time project managing so the pressure is on. That plus we're prepping my late FIL's house to sell. Le Tired

    Also (sorry I am SUPER into my home state and love it so much I will share FACTS) US artichokes come from California. Part of that coastal "Nobody Cares" zone (Castroville). Guess who was Artichoke Queen in 1948? Marilyn "Happy Birthday Mr. President" Monroe. Care now?

    Also (sorry I am SUPER into my home state and love it so much I will share FACTS) US artichokes come from California. Part of that coastal "Nobody Cares" zone (Castroville). Guess who was Artichoke Queen in 1948? Marilyn "Happy Birthday Mr. President" Monroe. Care now?
    Also (sorry I am SUPER into my home state and love it so much I will share FACTS) US artichokes come from California. Part of that coastal "Nobody Cares" zone (Castroville). Guess who was Artichoke Queen in 1948? Marilyn "Happy Birthday Mr. President" Monroe. Care now?

    @Dwuff Look at this garbage! Where tf is the baseline! Those sloppy loops would have gotten me in trouble in elementary school cursive! (ok ok I'm cool I'm cool it's fine lol)

    @Dwuff Look at this garbage! Where tf is the baseline! Those sloppy loops would have gotten me in trouble in elementary school cursive! (ok ok I'm cool I'm cool it's fine lol)
    @Dwuff Look at this garbage! Where tf is the baseline! Those sloppy loops would have gotten me in trouble in elementary school cursive! (ok ok I'm cool I'm cool it's fine lol)
    @Dwuff Look at this garbage! Where tf is the baseline! Those sloppy loops would have gotten me in trouble in elementary school cursive! (ok ok I'm cool I'm cool it's fine lol)
    @Dwuff Look at this garbage! Where tf is the baseline! Those sloppy loops would have gotten me in trouble in elementary school cursive! (ok ok I'm cool I'm cool it's fine lol)

    Old sketch of my character Thorn hunting her preferred prey. ?

    Old sketch of my character Thorn hunting her preferred prey. ?

    Still feeling it. But there's a light at the end of the tunnel, some of my stress has subsided (only to be replaced by new stress but eh whatever)

    Still feeling it. But there's a light at the end of the tunnel, some of my stress has subsided (only to be replaced by new stress but eh whatever)

