Will Kirkby@chamonkee

    There's a new update on the ks. Plus I get to show the moment king and saul meet.

    There's a new update on the ks. Plus I get to show the moment king and saul meet.
    Will Kirkby@chamonkee

    Worth noting that on a page with dramatic landscape and scifi touches my heart will always be with the weird porn..

    Worth noting that on a page with dramatic landscape and scifi touches my heart will always be with the weird porn..
    Will Kirkby@chamonkee

    Trying to figure out if she is the beginning of something or not...

    Trying to figure out if she is the beginning of something or not...
    Will Kirkby@chamonkee

    The plan is if this does well them I'll be foiling demon here too when I have chance to finish her properly. The company has red metallic and prismatic foils too...

    The plan is if this does well them I'll be foiling demon here too when I have chance to finish her properly.
The company has red metallic and prismatic foils too...
    Will Kirkby@chamonkee

    Here is my thought bubble haul for this year. Let me break it down for you. And please dont just look at my photos go check out their Twitter

    Here is my thought bubble haul for this year. Let me break it down for you.
And please dont just look at my photos go check out their Twitter

