
    he may be stupid.

    he may be stupid.

    in our last game, zaph learned that someone else in the party shares a common backstory npc; an npc that tortured them and kept them as a medical test subject so needless to say they were.......upset!

    in our last game, zaph learned that someone else in the party shares a common backstory npc; an npc that tortured them and kept them as a medical test subject so needless to say they were.......upset!

    CW abuse the npc in question, and the reason zaph is afraid of doctors......

    CW abuse
the npc in question, and the reason zaph is afraid of doctors......

    ive been talking about this idea on my zelda side @YlGACLAN, about how terrako is the way he is because he's possessed by botw link's spirit while healing in the shrine of resurrection

    ive been talking about this idea on my zelda side @YlGACLAN, about how terrako is the way he is because he's possessed by botw link's spirit while healing in the shrine of resurrection
    ive been talking about this idea on my zelda side @YlGACLAN, about how terrako is the way he is because he's possessed by botw link's spirit while healing in the shrine of resurrection
    ive been talking about this idea on my zelda side @YlGACLAN, about how terrako is the way he is because he's possessed by botw link's spirit while healing in the shrine of resurrection
    ive been talking about this idea on my zelda side @YlGACLAN, about how terrako is the way he is because he's possessed by botw link's spirit while healing in the shrine of resurrection

    just some sketches; zaph was being very nice this session. perhaps he's entered his kind era? also he's dressed as a cowboy https://t.co/XNqZdnzoDE

    just some sketches; zaph was being very nice this session. perhaps he's entered his kind era? also he's dressed as a cowboy https://t.co/XNqZdnzoDE

