



    sorry for delay!!! packed any orders made during my japan trip and will send them out tomorrow

    sorry for delay!!! packed any orders made during my japan trip and will send them out tomorrow

    shipping out orders today!! simplifying my drawings now cause it'd be unfair to my commissioners! (also it takes a lot of energy?)

    shipping out orders today!! simplifying my drawings now cause it'd be unfair to my commissioners! (also it takes a lot of energy?)

    looked for books today and immediately bought these cause スライム!!!! i got lucky that it has furigana ? i hope i can improve enough to understand what im reading ?? the slime has a mecha body and this is so adorable akfhajgjej

    looked for books today and immediately bought these cause スライム!!!! i got lucky that it has furigana ? i hope i can improve enough to understand what im reading ?? the slime has a mecha body and this is so adorable akfhajgjej
    looked for books today and immediately bought these cause スライム!!!! i got lucky that it has furigana ? i hope i can improve enough to understand what im reading ?? the slime has a mecha body and this is so adorable akfhajgjej
    looked for books today and immediately bought these cause スライム!!!! i got lucky that it has furigana ? i hope i can improve enough to understand what im reading ?? the slime has a mecha body and this is so adorable akfhajgjej