Jordi Lafebre@jordilafebre

    What blinds us?

    What blinds us?
    Jordi Lafebre@jordilafebre

    Current status.

    Current status.
    Jordi Lafebre@jordilafebre

    She is always in charge and pretty cool about it.

    She is always in charge and pretty cool about it.
    Jordi Lafebre@jordilafebre

    Les Beaux Étés was born as an indie road family movie and 6 books after has become my personal tribute to the classic comics I used to read and love when I was kid. The 6th is going to be out on 2021!!

    Les Beaux Étés was born as an indie road family movie and 6 books after has become my personal tribute to the classic comics I used to read and love when I was kid.
The 6th is going to be out on 2021!!
    Les Beaux Étés was born as an indie road family movie and 6 books after has become my personal tribute to the classic comics I used to read and love when I was kid.
The 6th is going to be out on 2021!!
    Jordi Lafebre@jordilafebre

    As some of you are asking, this pages are made on @Procreate, like most of my work of the last two years, with only one brush, or to be specific, a few variations of the same brush. Let's talk about INK techniques; a thread:

    As some of you are asking, this pages are made on @Procreate, like most of my work of the last two years, with only one brush, or to be specific, a few variations of the same brush. 
Let's talk about INK techniques; a thread:
    As some of you are asking, this pages are made on @Procreate, like most of my work of the last two years, with only one brush, or to be specific, a few variations of the same brush. 
Let's talk about INK techniques; a thread: