
    I should really draw Fondue more ?

    I should really draw Fondue more ?

    Another member of Janet's crew I'm still exploring is her robot companion. The bot is company property and is tasked of making sure Janet does her job properly and on schedule. It also doubles as a broom closet, handing her the right tools.

    Another member of Janet's crew I'm still exploring is her robot companion. The bot is company property and is tasked of making sure Janet does her job properly and on schedule. It also doubles as a broom closet, handing her the right tools.
    Another member of Janet's crew I'm still exploring is her robot companion. The bot is company property and is tasked of making sure Janet does her job properly and on schedule. It also doubles as a broom closet, handing her the right tools.





    Drawing of Shatter from earlier this year. 🛩️ I've always thought it'd be cool if she became one of those breakout movie bots that reappear in future Transformers stuff, following the footsteps of Blackout, Barricade, etc.

    Drawing of Shatter from earlier this year. 🛩️

I've always thought it'd be cool if she became one of those breakout movie bots that reappear in future Transformers stuff, following the footsteps of Blackout, Barricade, etc.