shouri 🐾@shouriii

    (2/2) some more.. kyman dedicated to bas while stenny is dedicated to me--

some more.. kyman dedicated to bas while stenny is dedicated to me--
some more.. kyman dedicated to bas while stenny is dedicated to me--
some more.. kyman dedicated to bas while stenny is dedicated to me--
    shouri 🐾@shouriii

    doodles of currently running shows i enjoy......

    doodles of currently running shows i enjoy......
    doodles of currently running shows i enjoy......
    doodles of currently running shows i enjoy......
    doodles of currently running shows i enjoy......
    shouri 🐾@shouriii

    the Stan stans (100% self indulgent)

    the Stan stans (100% self indulgent)
    shouri 🐾@shouriii

    after my last drawing @shokikita asked me to do a matching one with our favorite trio and I had no choice but to comply (because it's genius)

    after my last drawing @shokikita asked me to do a matching one with our favorite trio and I had no choice but to comply (because it's genius)
    shouri 🐾@shouriii

