shouri 🐾@shouriii

    inspired by basu to try genderbend kyley-b 🤭

    inspired by basu to try genderbend kyley-b 🤭
    inspired by basu to try genderbend kyley-b 🤭
    shouri 🐾@shouriii

    part 2 or the stenny side

    part 2
or the stenny side
    shouri 🐾@shouriii

    part 3

    part 3
    shouri 🐾@shouriii

    Day 1 - Secret Date #stennyweek2021 #spstenny

    Day 1 - Secret Date
#stennyweek2021 #spstenny
    shouri 🐾@shouriii

    so it's been over a week BUT I can't NOT share this. for my birthday last month @shokikita rounded up my friends behind my back and got them all to draw/write me something, this is a compilation of it all! (+the last two are doodles i got separately and wanted to include)

    so it's been over a week BUT I can't NOT share this.
for my birthday last month @shokikita rounded up my friends behind my back and got them all to draw/write me something, this is a compilation of it all! (+the last two are doodles i got separately and wanted to include)