shouri 🐾@shouriii

    [return of covid spoilers] homeless cartman + a butters #SouthPark

    [return of covid spoilers]
homeless cartman + a butters #SouthPark
    [return of covid spoilers]
homeless cartman + a butters #SouthPark
    [return of covid spoilers]
homeless cartman + a butters #SouthPark
    [return of covid spoilers]
homeless cartman + a butters #SouthPark
    shouri 🐾@shouriii

    it's that time of the year again... all in all a good art year

    it's that time of the year again... all in all a good art year
    shouri 🐾@shouriii

    part 2+3

    part 2+3
    part 2+3
    part 2+3
    shouri 🐾@shouriii

    aaand part 4

    aaand part 4
    shouri 🐾@shouriii

    for fun I wanted so see how many comics I drew in the last 2 years and there were certainly... a lot... I can probably call myself a comic artist in peace now (also, theres more than shown here) 2020 - 2021

    for fun I wanted so see how many comics I drew in the last 2 years and there were certainly... a lot... I can probably call myself a comic artist in peace now (also, theres more than shown here)
2020 - 2021
    for fun I wanted so see how many comics I drew in the last 2 years and there were certainly... a lot... I can probably call myself a comic artist in peace now (also, theres more than shown here)
2020 - 2021