David Cooper@davidbcooper

    Leaked concept art for unreleased Pixar film "Unpuffed", in which a cigarette attempts to get over his fear of being smoked.

    Leaked concept art for unreleased Pixar film "Unpuffed", in which a cigarette attempts to get over his fear of being smoked.
    Leaked concept art for unreleased Pixar film "Unpuffed", in which a cigarette attempts to get over his fear of being smoked.
    David Cooper@davidbcooper

    A recent Uncle Eldred commission for Robert. Thanks Robert! #Simpsons #TheSimpsons

    A recent Uncle Eldred commission for Robert. Thanks Robert!  #Simpsons #TheSimpsons
    David Cooper@davidbcooper

    Some recent commissions!

    Some recent commissions!
    Some recent commissions!
    Some recent commissions!
    Some recent commissions!
    David Cooper@davidbcooper

    Some recent Simpsons pieces.

    Some recent Simpsons pieces.
    Some recent Simpsons pieces.
    Some recent Simpsons pieces.
    Some recent Simpsons pieces.
    David Cooper@davidbcooper

    Still got a couple of slots open this week if anyone would like a painting!

    Still got a couple of slots open this week if anyone would like a painting!

