An after scene of #ZhongChi before dating --------- I know the ending of that oneshot was a little dark but believe me, this is a series that can't be dark or angst for more than 2 pages.

    An after scene of #ZhongChi before dating
I know the ending of that oneshot was a little dark but believe me, this is a series that can't be dark or angst for more than 2 pages.
    An after scene of #ZhongChi before dating
I know the ending of that oneshot was a little dark but believe me, this is a series that can't be dark or angst for more than 2 pages.

    The moment you realized why Tart acted so normal after that incident with Zhongli... ---- A #ZhongChi fanart based on @woahiohioh fic. Thank you for writing it, I enjoyed the story a lot ♥️

    The moment you realized why Tart acted so normal after that incident with Zhongli...
A #ZhongChi fanart based on @woahiohioh fic.
Thank you for writing it, I enjoyed the story a lot ♥️

    this is the full pic thou, Twitter cut it like this so I kinda annoyed. Also, you can check the fic with the link I give below the reply to this one.

    this is the full pic thou, Twitter cut it like this so I kinda annoyed.
Also, you can check the fic with the link I give below the reply to this one.

    Doodle a little with my OC

    Doodle a little with my OC

    So I'm back with that "ZhongChi daily life in that Teapot house" series...

    So I'm back with that "ZhongChi daily life in that Teapot house" series...

