So I'm back with that "ZhongChi daily life in that Teapot house" series...

    So I'm back with that "ZhongChi daily life in that Teapot house" series...

    #ZhongChi daily life in that Teapot house series Childe POV: first day living together-

    #ZhongChi daily life in that Teapot house series
Childe POV: first day living together-
    #ZhongChi daily life in that Teapot house series
Childe POV: first day living together-
    #ZhongChi daily life in that Teapot house series
Childe POV: first day living together-

    Based on me & my friend dialogues when we hang out for a ZC date. 🔶💧 The conversation is still going on in this scene so you can check it in the reply thread --- This can be count as one of "#ZhongChi daily life in that Teapot house series", right?

    Based on me & my friend dialogues when we hang out for a ZC date. 🔶💧
The conversation is still going on in this scene so you can check it in the reply thread
This can be count as one of "#ZhongChi daily life in that Teapot house series", right?

    I understand this is too much for your 6k yo heart, Morax- #ZhongChi ---- Draw this mostly because there is once time people misread my word "sniper" into "stripper"-

    I understand this is too much for your 6k yo heart, Morax-
Draw this mostly because there is once time people misread my word "sniper" into "stripper"-
    I understand this is too much for your 6k yo heart, Morax-
Draw this mostly because there is once time people misread my word "sniper" into "stripper"-
    I understand this is too much for your 6k yo heart, Morax-
Draw this mostly because there is once time people misread my word "sniper" into "stripper"-

    "What will do when I'm no longer a Harbinger?" "How about my lover?" 🔶💧

    "What will do when I'm no longer a Harbinger?"
"How about my lover?"