i accidentally stumbled on these xenoblade abominations i made to torture my friends (it was a hidden layer on an oc sketch dump) we are one step closer to this reality

    i accidentally stumbled on these xenoblade abominations i made to torture my friends (it was a hidden layer on an oc sketch dump) we are one step closer to this reality

    felix as that one famous post

    felix as that one famous post


    adventures in garreg mach warriorcats roleplay

    adventures in garreg mach warriorcats roleplay
    adventures in garreg mach warriorcats roleplay

    gam @gammapulsse on some galaxy brain shit: kira and josefumi are just araki's breaking bad fanfic anyway i wheezed so hard drawing htese

    gam @gammapulsse on some galaxy brain shit: kira and josefumi are just araki's breaking bad fanfic
anyway i wheezed so hard drawing htese