LYCHGATE @ MR. KITTYS@buttcheekwizard

    This is just how they do things at talon #overwatch

    This is just how they do things at talon 
    LYCHGATE @ MR. KITTYS@buttcheekwizard

    Talon canon heights

    Talon canon heights
    LYCHGATE @ MR. KITTYS@buttcheekwizard

    No idea what the fuck people call this form of reaper but I thot I'd fill a page with this fat little bastard #overwatch

    No idea what the fuck people call this form of reaper but I thot I'd fill a page with this fat little bastard 
    LYCHGATE @ MR. KITTYS@buttcheekwizard

    my brain held me hostage until I drew this tweet out

    my brain held me hostage until I drew this tweet out
    my brain held me hostage until I drew this tweet out
    my brain held me hostage until I drew this tweet out
    my brain held me hostage until I drew this tweet out
    LYCHGATE @ MR. KITTYS@buttcheekwizard

    'he didn't seem violent to me...' ? dont mind me im just being a clown and doodling some sappy overwatch stuff, like if Baptiste got a hold of Sigma's files after running into him. who tf is this half naked man running around the base anyhow

    'he didn't seem violent to me...' 

? dont mind me im just being a clown and doodling some sappy overwatch stuff, like if Baptiste got a hold of Sigma's files after running into him. who tf is this half naked man running around the base anyhow