LYCHGATE @ MR. KITTYS@buttcheekwizard

    dogma is an adam sandler villain tier kind of butthole #TCW #StarWars

    dogma is an adam sandler villain tier kind of butthole
#TCW #StarWars
    LYCHGATE @ MR. KITTYS@buttcheekwizard

    cody is rex's neurotypical friend #tcw

    cody is rex's neurotypical friend
    cody is rex's neurotypical friend
    cody is rex's neurotypical friend
    LYCHGATE @ MR. KITTYS@buttcheekwizard

    Dave Filoni you will accept my totally canon script for bad batch where it is genetic that Jango Fett found big chungus impossibly hilarious and thus captain rex weaponizes this to save his friend #TCW #BadBatch #StarWars

    Dave Filoni you will accept my totally canon script for bad batch where it is genetic that Jango Fett found big chungus impossibly hilarious and thus captain rex weaponizes this to save his friend
#TCW #BadBatch #StarWars
    Dave Filoni you will accept my totally canon script for bad batch where it is genetic that Jango Fett found big chungus impossibly hilarious and thus captain rex weaponizes this to save his friend
#TCW #BadBatch #StarWars
    Dave Filoni you will accept my totally canon script for bad batch where it is genetic that Jango Fett found big chungus impossibly hilarious and thus captain rex weaponizes this to save his friend
#TCW #BadBatch #StarWars
    LYCHGATE @ MR. KITTYS@buttcheekwizard

    big chungus is LETHAL to clones and in this essay i will describe the horrific training rex underwent to accomplish such a mission-

    big chungus is LETHAL to clones and in this essay i will describe the horrific training rex underwent to accomplish such a mission-
    LYCHGATE @ MR. KITTYS@buttcheekwizard

    work gets done at some point im sure

    work gets done at some point im sure
    work gets done at some point im sure
    work gets done at some point im sure