extra little snippets from the session from earlier, nothin too polished this time but, enjoy! that fourth one is part of comic that i mightt finish one day who knows

    extra little snippets from the session from earlier, nothin too polished this time but, enjoy! that fourth one is part of comic that i mightt finish one day who knows
    extra little snippets from the session from earlier, nothin too polished this time but, enjoy! that fourth one is part of comic that i mightt finish one day who knows
    extra little snippets from the session from earlier, nothin too polished this time but, enjoy! that fourth one is part of comic that i mightt finish one day who knows
    extra little snippets from the session from earlier, nothin too polished this time but, enjoy! that fourth one is part of comic that i mightt finish one day who knows

    my job is making me lose my soul so draw dump of literally everything

    my job is making me lose my soul so draw dump of literally everything
    my job is making me lose my soul so draw dump of literally everything
    my job is making me lose my soul so draw dump of literally everything
    my job is making me lose my soul so draw dump of literally everything

    I just wanted to hang out with my friends. I never wanted any of this. #SarageMootWar

    I just wanted to hang out with my friends. I never wanted any of this. #SarageMootWar

    i have been reminded of phoenix!Scar (Wright, not the bird), so might as well post this that has been sitting in my folder for weeks. His case to prove Grian's innocence is that the parrot can testify that Grian is Poultry man, therefore he cant have done a Murder

    i have been reminded of phoenix!Scar (Wright, not the bird), so might as well post this that has been sitting in my folder for weeks. 
His case to prove Grian's innocence is that the parrot can testify that Grian is Poultry man, therefore he cant have done a Murder
    i have been reminded of phoenix!Scar (Wright, not the bird), so might as well post this that has been sitting in my folder for weeks. 
His case to prove Grian's innocence is that the parrot can testify that Grian is Poultry man, therefore he cant have done a Murder

    s9 doodles sorry havent been able to art for them much even though i really really reALLY want to. Hopefully once the week's over!

    s9 doodles sorry havent been able to art for them much even though i really really reALLY want to. Hopefully once the week's over!