
    また「助手ちゃんはかっこいいと言われたい(そんなラノベみたいなタイトルだった?)」の続き描きました🚗🚙 I drew a continuation of this again! Can Breakdown finally get a Happy ending? 🤔

    また「助手ちゃんはかっこいいと言われたい(そんなラノベみたいなタイトルだった?)」の続き描きました🚗🚙 I drew a continuation of this again! Can Breakdown finally get a Happy ending? 🤔
    また「助手ちゃんはかっこいいと言われたい(そんなラノベみたいなタイトルだった?)」の続き描きました🚗🚙 I drew a continuation of this again! Can Breakdown finally get a Happy ending? 🤔

    これは試し刷りしたやつ このぴすたの勢いは好き

    これは試し刷りしたやつ このぴすたの勢いは好き

    I've uploaded my old doujinshi on Pixiv again🙌 "FORBIDDEN PLANET" is an adventure of KOBD on an unknown planet before coming to Earth. Unlike SKYFALL, it's a comedy, so I hope you can enjoy their reactions!

    I've uploaded my old doujinshi on Pixiv again🙌
 "FORBIDDEN PLANET" is an adventure of KOBD on an unknown planet before coming to Earth. Unlike SKYFALL, it's a comedy, so I hope you can enjoy their reactions!
    I've uploaded my old doujinshi on Pixiv again🙌
 "FORBIDDEN PLANET" is an adventure of KOBD on an unknown planet before coming to Earth. Unlike SKYFALL, it's a comedy, so I hope you can enjoy their reactions!
    I've uploaded my old doujinshi on Pixiv again🙌
 "FORBIDDEN PLANET" is an adventure of KOBD on an unknown planet before coming to Earth. Unlike SKYFALL, it's a comedy, so I hope you can enjoy their reactions!

    日本語にしました🫰 でもGoogleレンズ翻訳のがかわいかったかも…

    日本語にしました🫰 でもGoogleレンズ翻訳のがかわいかったかも…

