I always post these in one go at the end of the day, but maybe I should post them during the day like all the cool kids do it lol :-[ MY VERY SUPER INTERESTING SHENANIGANS SO FAR #hourlycomicday

    I always post these in one go at the end of the day, but maybe I should post them during the day like all the cool kids do it lol :-[ MY VERY SUPER INTERESTING SHENANIGANS SO FAR #hourlycomicday
    I always post these in one go at the end of the day, but maybe I should post them during the day like all the cool kids do it lol :-[ MY VERY SUPER INTERESTING SHENANIGANS SO FAR #hourlycomicday
    I always post these in one go at the end of the day, but maybe I should post them during the day like all the cool kids do it lol :-[ MY VERY SUPER INTERESTING SHENANIGANS SO FAR #hourlycomicday
    I always post these in one go at the end of the day, but maybe I should post them during the day like all the cool kids do it lol :-[ MY VERY SUPER INTERESTING SHENANIGANS SO FAR #hourlycomicday

    Tw // weight talk More hourlies!! Having a wonderful day full of no ailments at all lmao #hourlycomicday

    Tw // weight talk

More hourlies!! Having a wonderful day full of no ailments at all lmao #hourlycomicday
    Tw // weight talk

More hourlies!! Having a wonderful day full of no ailments at all lmao #hourlycomicday
    Tw // weight talk

More hourlies!! Having a wonderful day full of no ailments at all lmao #hourlycomicday

    When you consume problematic content and then get angry when it gets problematic lmaooooo kill me #hourlycomicday

    When you consume problematic content and then get angry when it gets problematic lmaooooo kill me #hourlycomicday
    When you consume problematic content and then get angry when it gets problematic lmaooooo kill me #hourlycomicday
    When you consume problematic content and then get angry when it gets problematic lmaooooo kill me #hourlycomicday

    More hourlies! In which I shamefully lollygag for two hours because I seem to be unable to start new tasks right away. ADHD culture amirite fellas #hourlycomicday

    More hourlies! In which I shamefully lollygag for two hours because I seem to be unable to start new tasks right away. ADHD culture amirite fellas #hourlycomicday
    More hourlies! In which I shamefully lollygag for two hours because I seem to be unable to start new tasks right away. ADHD culture amirite fellas #hourlycomicday
    More hourlies! In which I shamefully lollygag for two hours because I seem to be unable to start new tasks right away. ADHD culture amirite fellas #hourlycomicday

    More hourlies!! Got all cleaned up, working on a few more corrections, CRUISY TIME ON THIS VERY EXCITING DAY. #hourlycomicday

    More hourlies!! Got all cleaned up, working on a few more corrections, CRUISY TIME ON THIS VERY EXCITING DAY. #hourlycomicday
    More hourlies!! Got all cleaned up, working on a few more corrections, CRUISY TIME ON THIS VERY EXCITING DAY. #hourlycomicday
    More hourlies!! Got all cleaned up, working on a few more corrections, CRUISY TIME ON THIS VERY EXCITING DAY. #hourlycomicday