I always struggle with sound... How can this indecent laughter(へっへっへ) be translated in English? It's not Ha Ha or Ho Ho...Heh heh sounds similar to へっへっへ, but my dictionary says heh indicates the expression of surprise or questioning. May Hee hee be better in this case?

    I always struggle with sound... How can this indecent laughter(へっへっへ) be translated in English? It's not Ha Ha or Ho Ho...Heh heh sounds similar to へっへっへ, but my dictionary says heh indicates the expression of surprise or questioning. May Hee hee be better in this case?



    #TES・Fo版セリフでワンドロ 第47回 「やましいことはありません」 アハタルがバグって依頼を出してくれなくなったと思い込み、強烈にアプローチしてたときの日記です #skyrim

    #TES・Fo版セリフでワンドロ 第47回 「やましいことはありません」 アハタルがバグって依頼を出してくれなくなったと思い込み、強烈にアプローチしてたときの日記です #skyrim

    秘密のお仕事 #skyrim

    秘密のお仕事 #skyrim

    Onomatopoeia!! How can I express this lockpicking sound in English?🤔 Here, I used カチャカチャ(ka-cha ka-cha) to describe the rattling sound a lockpick makes in a keyhole. How can it be in English? Rattle-rattle? Click-click?

    Onomatopoeia!! How can I express this lockpicking sound in English?🤔 Here, I used カチャカチャ(ka-cha ka-cha) to describe the rattling sound a lockpick makes in a keyhole. How can it be in English? Rattle-rattle? Click-click?