
    Just learned about #MuscleGirlMonday Have some Franz. Yo.

    Just learned about #MuscleGirlMonday
Have some Franz.
    Just learned about #MuscleGirlMonday
Have some Franz.

    So its #DraculaDay today? Great time to celebrate vampires I guess, or just an excuse to post Betta. Which I will. Just...don't fall for ALL the vampire stereotypes...it's offensive!

    So its #DraculaDay today? Great time to celebrate vampires I guess, or just an excuse to post Betta. Which I will. Just...don't fall for ALL the vampire stereotypes...it's offensive!
    So its #DraculaDay today? Great time to celebrate vampires I guess, or just an excuse to post Betta. Which I will. Just...don't fall for ALL the vampire stereotypes...it's offensive!

    Did a Franz earlier in the week to experiment with some flower stamps I got from etsy. Couldn't think of anything clever to caption it with so...here.

    Did a Franz earlier in the week to experiment with some flower stamps I got from etsy. Couldn't think of anything clever to caption it with so...here.
    Did a Franz earlier in the week to experiment with some flower stamps I got from etsy. Couldn't think of anything clever to caption it with so...here.
    Did a Franz earlier in the week to experiment with some flower stamps I got from etsy. Couldn't think of anything clever to caption it with so...here.

    #Mermay 2021 was fun.

    #Mermay 2021 was fun.
    #Mermay 2021 was fun.

    I was gonna save these advice shark comics for my zine I was trying to put together, but I don't even know if that'll happen now. So, I'll post em here.

    I was gonna save these advice shark comics for my zine I was trying to put together, but I don't even know if that'll happen now. So, I'll post em here.

