
    1994 me back at it with the puns. YOKOTUNA. A prelim layout Morrigan from 1998. Again, Jr. High me making my own holiday decorations. And a mermaid from 2000 I think.

    1994 me back at it with the puns. YOKOTUNA.
A prelim layout Morrigan from 1998.
Again, Jr. High me making my own holiday decorations. 
And a mermaid from 2000 I think.
    1994 me back at it with the puns. YOKOTUNA.
A prelim layout Morrigan from 1998.
Again, Jr. High me making my own holiday decorations. 
And a mermaid from 2000 I think.
    1994 me back at it with the puns. YOKOTUNA.
A prelim layout Morrigan from 1998.
Again, Jr. High me making my own holiday decorations. 
And a mermaid from 2000 I think.
    1994 me back at it with the puns. YOKOTUNA.
A prelim layout Morrigan from 1998.
Again, Jr. High me making my own holiday decorations. 
And a mermaid from 2000 I think.

    Poopoo chunks. Part of a complete breakfast. Oh look, the time in my life I got several requests for art of Jonathan Davis and Fred Durst. Look...it was 1998, okay? My first drawing of Kane from 1997/98! Also, my first drawing of the cast of Clerks from 1995.

    Poopoo chunks. Part of a complete breakfast. 
Oh look, the time in my life I got several requests for art of Jonathan Davis and Fred Durst. Look...it was 1998, okay?
My first drawing of Kane from 1997/98!
Also, my first drawing of the cast of Clerks from 1995.
    Poopoo chunks. Part of a complete breakfast. 
Oh look, the time in my life I got several requests for art of Jonathan Davis and Fred Durst. Look...it was 1998, okay?
My first drawing of Kane from 1997/98!
Also, my first drawing of the cast of Clerks from 1995.
    Poopoo chunks. Part of a complete breakfast. 
Oh look, the time in my life I got several requests for art of Jonathan Davis and Fred Durst. Look...it was 1998, okay?
My first drawing of Kane from 1997/98!
Also, my first drawing of the cast of Clerks from 1995.
    Poopoo chunks. Part of a complete breakfast. 
Oh look, the time in my life I got several requests for art of Jonathan Davis and Fred Durst. Look...it was 1998, okay?
My first drawing of Kane from 1997/98!
Also, my first drawing of the cast of Clerks from 1995.

    Oh you just know I drew this Austin Powers in 1998. And some real simple and stylistic Ren and Stimpy's from 1999.

    Oh you just know I drew this Austin Powers in 1998.
And some real simple and stylistic Ren and Stimpy's from 1999.
    Oh you just know I drew this Austin Powers in 1998.
And some real simple and stylistic Ren and Stimpy's from 1999.
    Oh you just know I drew this Austin Powers in 1998.
And some real simple and stylistic Ren and Stimpy's from 1999.
    Oh you just know I drew this Austin Powers in 1998.
And some real simple and stylistic Ren and Stimpy's from 1999.

    So a good number of #FanArtFriday ago, I did a panel redraw of a favorite scene from @TheTonicmole comic Saving The World.

    So a good number of #FanArtFriday ago, I did a panel redraw of a favorite scene from @TheTonicmole comic Saving The World.

    Now for today's #FanArtFriday I did another favorite panel of mine out of the recent issue of Saving The World from @TheTonicmole

    Now for today's #FanArtFriday I did another favorite panel of mine out of the recent issue of Saving The World from @TheTonicmole
    Now for today's #FanArtFriday I did another favorite panel of mine out of the recent issue of Saving The World from @TheTonicmole

