More skeleton practice; Also I'm not counting the ribs SO LONG AS IT looks like an acceptable amount of ribs

    More skeleton practice; Also I'm not counting the ribs SO LONG AS IT looks like an acceptable amount of ribs

    smth stupid i thought of while playing HADES not@ me running in n out of the archives jus so i could get dialogue from than

    smth stupid i thought of while playing HADES not@ me running in n out of the archives jus so i could get dialogue from than
    smth stupid i thought of while playing HADES not@ me running in n out of the archives jus so i could get dialogue from than

    [HADES] thinkign abt how nyx probably had to scour the universe to find than everytime he shifted

    [HADES] thinkign abt how nyx probably had to scour the universe to find than everytime he  shifted
    [HADES] thinkign abt how nyx probably had to scour the universe to find than everytime he  shifted

    Im making... Genshin stickers.....

    Im making... Genshin stickers.....
    Im making... Genshin stickers.....

    im only playing genshin for ganyu now pls

    im only playing genshin for ganyu now  pls