Jim Mortensen@jimmortensen

    gonna try for an extremely subtle Undertale reference in this episode...

    gonna try for an extremely subtle Undertale reference in this episode...
    Jim Mortensen@jimmortensen

    comic : fat fuck 11 for some reason back in my binge & purge days, i would take photos of the binge meals. it was like... i thought i could stop the urge to binge if i looked at a photo of a previous meal and imagined the taste. but it never worked.

    comic : fat fuck 11

for some reason back in my binge & purge days, i would take photos of the binge meals. it was like... i thought i could stop the urge to binge if i looked at a photo of a previous meal and imagined the taste. 

but it never worked.
    comic : fat fuck 11

for some reason back in my binge & purge days, i would take photos of the binge meals. it was like... i thought i could stop the urge to binge if i looked at a photo of a previous meal and imagined the taste. 

but it never worked.
    comic : fat fuck 11

for some reason back in my binge & purge days, i would take photos of the binge meals. it was like... i thought i could stop the urge to binge if i looked at a photo of a previous meal and imagined the taste. 

but it never worked.
    comic : fat fuck 11

for some reason back in my binge & purge days, i would take photos of the binge meals. it was like... i thought i could stop the urge to binge if i looked at a photo of a previous meal and imagined the taste. 

but it never worked.
    Jim Mortensen@jimmortensen

    Haha oh wow, drawings from when I tested on Chowder for props.

    Haha oh wow, drawings from when I tested on Chowder for props.
    Haha oh wow, drawings from when I tested on Chowder for props.
    Haha oh wow, drawings from when I tested on Chowder for props.
    Jim Mortensen@jimmortensen

    comic : laugh.

    comic : laugh.
    comic : laugh.
    comic : laugh.
    comic : laugh.
    Jim Mortensen@jimmortensen

    i am so not good at drawing humans.

    i am so not good at drawing humans.


Jenny Calabro🌒🌕🌘@Eidolon_Night