
    Today's doodle [while not paying attention in class (;•v•)... ] : Everybody loves Misaki ?

    Today's doodle 
[while not paying attention in class (;•v•)... ] :
Everybody loves Misaki ?

    I'd like to think Helian and Persica get along ? #GirlsFrontline #少女前線 (And a random genderbent Persica)

    #GirlsFrontline#少女前線 少女前線
    I'd like to think Helian and Persica get along ?
#GirlsFrontline #少女前線 
(And a random genderbent Persica)
    I'd like to think Helian and Persica get along ?
#GirlsFrontline #少女前線 
(And a random genderbent Persica)
    I'd like to think Helian and Persica get along ?
#GirlsFrontline #少女前線 
(And a random genderbent Persica)
    I'd like to think Helian and Persica get along ?
#GirlsFrontline #少女前線 
(And a random genderbent Persica)

    While I was sick, I wanted to doodle more girls frontline so I drew team 404 But then... I accidentally made UMP9 a Shounen... And he's cute dammit ? I'm getting attached (I didn't doodled ump45 yet ?)

    While I was sick, I wanted to doodle more girls frontline so I drew team 404
But then... I accidentally made UMP9 a Shounen... And he's cute dammit ? I'm getting attached 
(I didn't doodled ump45 yet ?)
    While I was sick, I wanted to doodle more girls frontline so I drew team 404
But then... I accidentally made UMP9 a Shounen... And he's cute dammit ? I'm getting attached 
(I didn't doodled ump45 yet ?)
    While I was sick, I wanted to doodle more girls frontline so I drew team 404
But then... I accidentally made UMP9 a Shounen... And he's cute dammit ? I'm getting attached 
(I didn't doodled ump45 yet ?)

    I was told they were cute, and I agree. They're cute. #FireEmblemThreeHouses

    I was told they were cute, and I agree. They're cute.
    I was told they were cute, and I agree. They're cute.

    Took me three times to get his face right lol So there you go ~

    Took me three times to get his face right lol 
So there you go ~