
    One inch of anger (inked ??)

    One inch of anger (inked ??)

    Not much ink going on but alot of Sei and Stella today (but my traditional art is kinda embarrassing so I won't tag it lol ?)

    Not much ink going on but alot of Sei and Stella today 
(but my traditional art is kinda embarrassing so I won't tag it lol ?)
    Not much ink going on but alot of Sei and Stella today 
(but my traditional art is kinda embarrassing so I won't tag it lol ?)
    Not much ink going on but alot of Sei and Stella today 
(but my traditional art is kinda embarrassing so I won't tag it lol ?)
    Not much ink going on but alot of Sei and Stella today 
(but my traditional art is kinda embarrassing so I won't tag it lol ?)

    Some Doodles ...That Jill almost looks like an honor student ? #va11halla #n1rvanna

    Some Doodles
...That Jill almost looks like an honor student ?
#va11halla #n1rvanna
    Some Doodles
...That Jill almost looks like an honor student ?
#va11halla #n1rvanna
    Some Doodles
...That Jill almost looks like an honor student ?
#va11halla #n1rvanna
    Some Doodles
...That Jill almost looks like an honor student ?
#va11halla #n1rvanna

    Low quality ink October ? But good quality Sei content! You can't tell me she didn't at least did that mistake once!! #va11halla

    Low quality ink October ?
But good quality Sei content!
You can't tell me she didn't at least did that mistake once!!

    Thank you @jasminemoranva for the ko-fi! Here's your smug child ?

    Thank you @jasminemoranva for the ko-fi! Here's your smug child ?