
    Not much ink going on but alot of Sei and Stella today (but my traditional art is kinda embarrassing so I won't tag it lol ?)

    Not much ink going on but alot of Sei and Stella today 
(but my traditional art is kinda embarrassing so I won't tag it lol ?)
    Not much ink going on but alot of Sei and Stella today 
(but my traditional art is kinda embarrassing so I won't tag it lol ?)
    Not much ink going on but alot of Sei and Stella today 
(but my traditional art is kinda embarrassing so I won't tag it lol ?)
    Not much ink going on but alot of Sei and Stella today 
(but my traditional art is kinda embarrassing so I won't tag it lol ?)

    Some Doodles ...That Jill almost looks like an honor student ? #va11halla #n1rvanna

    Some Doodles
...That Jill almost looks like an honor student ?
#va11halla #n1rvanna
    Some Doodles
...That Jill almost looks like an honor student ?
#va11halla #n1rvanna
    Some Doodles
...That Jill almost looks like an honor student ?
#va11halla #n1rvanna
    Some Doodles
...That Jill almost looks like an honor student ?
#va11halla #n1rvanna

    Low quality ink October ? But good quality Sei content! You can't tell me she didn't at least did that mistake once!! #va11halla

    Low quality ink October ?
But good quality Sei content!
You can't tell me she didn't at least did that mistake once!!

    Thank you @jasminemoranva for the ko-fi! Here's your smug child ?

    Thank you @jasminemoranva for the ko-fi! Here's your smug child ?

    @jasminemoranva I gotchu friend ?

    @jasminemoranva I gotchu friend ?