Also just for fun, my photobashed concepts for it

    Also just for fun, my photobashed concepts for it

    Work doodles

    Work doodles

    An old style test for a graphic novel for @bulgilhan that I will be working on in the upcoming year!

    An old style test for a graphic novel for @bulgilhan that I will be working on in the upcoming year!

    Putty Pygmalion is coming out this month (for real this time💜 )

    Putty Pygmalion is coming out this month (for real this time💜 )
    Putty Pygmalion is coming out this month (for real this time💜 )

    Putty Pygmalion, a comic I made about a man who attempts to make a boyfriend out of a defunct children's product, comes out today 💃

    Putty Pygmalion, a comic I made about a man who attempts to make a boyfriend out of a defunct children's product, comes out today 💃
    Putty Pygmalion, a comic I made about a man who attempts to make a boyfriend out of a defunct children's product, comes out today 💃
    Putty Pygmalion, a comic I made about a man who attempts to make a boyfriend out of a defunct children's product, comes out today 💃
    Putty Pygmalion, a comic I made about a man who attempts to make a boyfriend out of a defunct children's product, comes out today 💃

