nobody messed with my siblings in elementary school

    nobody messed with my siblings in elementary school
    nobody messed with my siblings in elementary school

    Here are my hopes for dad inuyasha 1. He's tries his best but can't connect with his daughter 2. Him and his daughter are both hot headed and they fight 3. Inuyasha has little to no skills with children and doesn't know how to take care them like this

    Here are my hopes for dad inuyasha 
1. He's tries his best but can't connect with his daughter 
2. Him and his daughter are both hot headed and they fight
3. Inuyasha has little to no skills with children and doesn't know how to take care them like this

    so inuyashas a dad now...

    so inuyashas a dad now...

    a modern day love story....

    a modern day love story....
    a modern day love story....
    a modern day love story....

    camera shy

    camera shy
    camera shy
    camera shy