Tagged by @aiviloti show your: ☀︎︎ home screen ☀︎︎ lock screen ☀︎︎ last song ☀︎︎ 24th photo ya boths screens are kii kanna's galolio fanart skdjjsd 24th pic is my bloomed tomoya mashiro event card muacks ♫ tag 5 mutuals: if anyone wan ?

    Tagged by @aiviloti
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ya boths screens are kii kanna's galolio fanart skdjjsd

24th pic is my bloomed tomoya mashiro event card muacks

♫ tag 5 mutuals: if anyone wan ?
    Tagged by @aiviloti
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☀︎︎ 24th photo

ya boths screens are kii kanna's galolio fanart skdjjsd

24th pic is my bloomed tomoya mashiro event card muacks

♫ tag 5 mutuals: if anyone wan ?
    Tagged by @aiviloti
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☀︎︎ last song
☀︎︎ 24th photo

ya boths screens are kii kanna's galolio fanart skdjjsd

24th pic is my bloomed tomoya mashiro event card muacks

♫ tag 5 mutuals: if anyone wan ?
    Tagged by @aiviloti
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☀︎︎ last song
☀︎︎ 24th photo

ya boths screens are kii kanna's galolio fanart skdjjsd

24th pic is my bloomed tomoya mashiro event card muacks

♫ tag 5 mutuals: if anyone wan ?

    kenma doodle before nyooming to work hjkdhdka

    kenma doodle before nyooming to work hjkdhdka

    goodnight to just the two of them

    goodnight to just the two of them

    i rewatched pucca again for the 2nd time this year so here's some doodles

    i rewatched pucca again for the 2nd time this year so here's some doodles

    i made a manga on a whim called The Messenger Angels, which you can read here: https://t.co/4NM5SCz8N7 ! I wasn't really able to finish it all in time, but it was a learning process for me so I'm glad I tried ←(*꒪ヮ꒪*)

    i made a manga on a whim called The Messenger Angels, which you can read here: https://t.co/4NM5SCz8N7 ! I wasn't really able to finish it all in time, but it was a learning process for me so I'm glad I tried ←(*꒪ヮ꒪*)
    i made a manga on a whim called The Messenger Angels, which you can read here: https://t.co/4NM5SCz8N7 ! I wasn't really able to finish it all in time, but it was a learning process for me so I'm glad I tried ←(*꒪ヮ꒪*)
    i made a manga on a whim called The Messenger Angels, which you can read here: https://t.co/4NM5SCz8N7 ! I wasn't really able to finish it all in time, but it was a learning process for me so I'm glad I tried ←(*꒪ヮ꒪*)
    i made a manga on a whim called The Messenger Angels, which you can read here: https://t.co/4NM5SCz8N7 ! I wasn't really able to finish it all in time, but it was a learning process for me so I'm glad I tried ←(*꒪ヮ꒪*)