ZeTrystan 🐋@ZeTrystan

    Jonas had to travel a lot, living one month at the time with each of his parents. While very few elves approved of his mixed heritage, his orc family was more that overjoyed to see the chieftain's son each time.

    Jonas had to travel a lot, living one month at the time with each of his parents.

While very few elves approved of his mixed heritage, his orc family was more that overjoyed to see the chieftain's son each time.
    ZeTrystan 🐋@ZeTrystan

    Jonas was able to bring a bit of softness to the very violent and brutish orc clan. They embraced it, and his dada was really proud of his son.

    Jonas was able to bring a bit of softness to the very violent and brutish orc clan. They embraced it, and his dada was really proud of his son.
    ZeTrystan 🐋@ZeTrystan

    But his uncle had a way with storytelling.

    But his uncle had a way with storytelling.
    ZeTrystan 🐋@ZeTrystan

    He then went to travel to extend his magical knowledge, on the request of his teacher. Little did his family know that poor, poor innocent Jonas would right away get mixed up with a group of thieves and scammers. Oh boy.

    He then went to travel to extend his magical knowledge, on the request of his teacher.

Little did his family know that poor, poor innocent Jonas would right away get mixed up with a group of thieves and scammers. Oh boy.
    He then went to travel to extend his magical knowledge, on the request of his teacher.

Little did his family know that poor, poor innocent Jonas would right away get mixed up with a group of thieves and scammers. Oh boy.
    ZeTrystan 🐋@ZeTrystan

    Oh, Jonas... You're too pure for this cursed cursed world.

    Oh, Jonas...

You're too pure for this cursed cursed world.