some webtoon coloring style ideas (2/2) - using stylized shadows

    some webtoon coloring style ideas (2/2) - using stylized shadows
    some webtoon coloring style ideas (2/2) - using stylized shadows
    some webtoon coloring style ideas (2/2) - using stylized shadows

    I'm in tears at how cute @guineadad's stickers and packaging are

    I'm in tears at how cute @guineadad's stickers and packaging are

    after EP33 will be the School AU that I promised I'd draw. Hopefully I can finish the rest of the pages soon

    after EP33 will be the School AU that I promised I'd draw. Hopefully I can finish the rest of the pages soon
    after EP33 will be the School AU that I promised I'd draw. Hopefully I can finish the rest of the pages soon


    ideas right now: 1. a remaster of the current cover, very romance 2. very action fantasy, clear angel/demon dynamic 3. action comedy, hard to put in wings 4. shealtiel drone strike

    ideas right now:
1. a remaster of the current cover, very romance
2. very action fantasy, clear angel/demon dynamic
3. action comedy, hard to put in wings
4. shealtiel drone strike

