brett 😸 AX c57@Robodumpling

    Baby radish

    Baby radish
    Baby radish
    Baby radish
    Baby radish
    brett 😸 AX c57@Robodumpling

    Trying to get back into trad ink again ?

    Trying to get back into trad ink again ?
    brett 😸 AX c57@Robodumpling

    He sleep

    He sleep
    brett 😸 AX c57@Robodumpling

    Hi! I just wanted to take a couple quick headshot commissions!! $50 greyscale and $60 if you want me to colour ? Not first come first serve! I'll just pick a handful to accept :-] dm me with reference if interested!

    Hi! I just wanted to take a couple quick headshot commissions!!
$50 greyscale and $60 if you want me to colour ?

Not first come first serve! I'll just pick a handful to accept :-] dm me with reference if interested!
    brett 😸 AX c57@Robodumpling
