RE: the people who say they wish they could improve their work but can't afford the art materials This advice goes beyond just art materials, however many outside factors might influence you, taking power away from yourself only leaves you feeling helpless. You only need *you*?

    RE: the people who say they wish they could improve their work but can't afford the art materials

This advice goes beyond just art materials, however many outside factors might influence you, taking power away from yourself only leaves you feeling helpless. You only need *you*?

    There's a lot of new followers so! Meltdowns. It makes some of the things I love the most (events, conventions, public speaking and streaming) difficult, especially with the stigma that surrounds it. So this is important to me (and a lot of other autistic people.)

    There's a lot of new followers so! Meltdowns. It makes some of the things I love the most (events, conventions, public speaking and streaming) difficult, especially with the stigma that surrounds it. So this is important to me (and a lot of other autistic people.)
    There's a lot of new followers so! Meltdowns. It makes some of the things I love the most (events, conventions, public speaking and streaming) difficult, especially with the stigma that surrounds it. So this is important to me (and a lot of other autistic people.)
    There's a lot of new followers so! Meltdowns. It makes some of the things I love the most (events, conventions, public speaking and streaming) difficult, especially with the stigma that surrounds it. So this is important to me (and a lot of other autistic people.)

    the holidays are coming up rt to scare an artist

    the holidays are coming up
rt to scare an artist

    It works in reverse too ?

    It works in reverse too ?
