Zi Xu@ziqqix

    Thank you all for giving me a CGC (Cool Guy Character) for this meme.................................. Dudes who are Cool, Mischievious, Mysterious Badasses......... Love That............................................

    Thank you all for giving me a CGC (Cool Guy Character) for this meme.................................. Dudes who are Cool, Mischievious, Mysterious Badasses......... Love That............................................
    Zi Xu@ziqqix

    I mean... just look at chinese zi and english z! the two look so similar. I have the power of culture on my side.

    I mean... just look at chinese zi and english z! the two look so similar. I have the power of culture on my side.
    I mean... just look at chinese zi and english z! the two look so similar. I have the power of culture on my side.
    Zi Xu@ziqqix

    #fursofcolor Sometimes I sketch furries in suits


Sometimes I sketch furries in suits

Sometimes I sketch furries in suits

Sometimes I sketch furries in suits

Sometimes I sketch furries in suits
    Zi Xu@ziqqix

    Last night I came to a realization that I would like to become one of those artists who draws really nice horses. And so, my horse art journey begins! Stroke by stroke I shall conquer the art of drawing these magnificent beasts.....!

    Last night I came to a realization that I would like to become one of those artists who draws really nice horses. And so, my horse art journey begins!

Stroke by stroke I shall conquer the art of drawing these magnificent beasts.....!
    Last night I came to a realization that I would like to become one of those artists who draws really nice horses. And so, my horse art journey begins!

Stroke by stroke I shall conquer the art of drawing these magnificent beasts.....!
    Last night I came to a realization that I would like to become one of those artists who draws really nice horses. And so, my horse art journey begins!

Stroke by stroke I shall conquer the art of drawing these magnificent beasts.....!
    Zi Xu@ziqqix

    On an animal drawing kick today..... here are some kings of the jungle!

    On an animal drawing kick today..... here are some kings of the jungle!
    On an animal drawing kick today..... here are some kings of the jungle!
    On an animal drawing kick today..... here are some kings of the jungle!

