W.I.P. The covers for the Inktober sketchbooks of 2017 and 2018.

The covers for the Inktober sketchbooks of 2017 and 2018.
The covers for the Inktober sketchbooks of 2017 and 2018.
The covers for the Inktober sketchbooks of 2017 and 2018.
The covers for the Inktober sketchbooks of 2017 and 2018.

    Where will I be able to put all this adult content now? Also interesting that none of the pictures with characters killing each other were flagged.

    Where will I be able to put all this adult content now?
Also interesting that none of the pictures with characters killing each other were flagged.
    Where will I be able to put all this adult content now?
Also interesting that none of the pictures with characters killing each other were flagged.
    Where will I be able to put all this adult content now?
Also interesting that none of the pictures with characters killing each other were flagged.
    Where will I be able to put all this adult content now?
Also interesting that none of the pictures with characters killing each other were flagged.

    Late to the party, as usual! My #bestnine2018 from instagram. (you can find me there as mr.zazb because all the other versions of ZazB were already taken!)

    Late to the party, as usual!
My #bestnine2018 from instagram.
(you can find me there as mr.zazb because all the other versions of ZazB were already taken!)

    Then I worked with @evebolt on The Thief of Tales a lot! This webcomic is almost three years old now!

    Then I worked with @evebolt on The Thief of Tales a lot!
This webcomic is almost three years old now!
    Then I worked with @evebolt on The Thief of Tales a lot!
This webcomic is almost three years old now!
    Then I worked with @evebolt on The Thief of Tales a lot!
This webcomic is almost three years old now!
    Then I worked with @evebolt on The Thief of Tales a lot!
This webcomic is almost three years old now!

    Added some colors just for fun :D

    Added some colors just for fun :D

