Where will I be able to put all this adult content now? Also interesting that none of the pictures with characters killing each other were flagged.

    Where will I be able to put all this adult content now?
Also interesting that none of the pictures with characters killing each other were flagged.
    Where will I be able to put all this adult content now?
Also interesting that none of the pictures with characters killing each other were flagged.
    Where will I be able to put all this adult content now?
Also interesting that none of the pictures with characters killing each other were flagged.
    Where will I be able to put all this adult content now?
Also interesting that none of the pictures with characters killing each other were flagged.

    Late to the party, as usual! My #bestnine2018 from instagram. (you can find me there as mr.zazb because all the other versions of ZazB were already taken!)

    Late to the party, as usual!
My #bestnine2018 from instagram.
(you can find me there as mr.zazb because all the other versions of ZazB were already taken!)

    Then I worked with @evebolt on The Thief of Tales a lot! This webcomic is almost three years old now!

    Then I worked with @evebolt on The Thief of Tales a lot!
This webcomic is almost three years old now!
    Then I worked with @evebolt on The Thief of Tales a lot!
This webcomic is almost three years old now!
    Then I worked with @evebolt on The Thief of Tales a lot!
This webcomic is almost three years old now!
    Then I worked with @evebolt on The Thief of Tales a lot!
This webcomic is almost three years old now!

    Added some colors just for fun :D

    Added some colors just for fun :D

    Trying to draw some cute or more stylized mechs.

    Trying to draw some cute or more stylized mechs.


