Noble of Goblets These minor Arcanas have been used for transport and defence, helping the great caravans that are vital to the trade and diplomacy between the clans.

    Noble of Goblets
These minor Arcanas have been used for transport and defence, helping the great caravans that are vital to the trade and diplomacy between the clans.

    XII-The Hanged Man This Arcana was previously bound to the matriarch of clan Vaulgres, a leader loved by her people. It is now in the hands of the Brezcan, who took the Vaulgres' place among the great four clans through scheming and deceit.

    XII-The Hanged Man
This Arcana was previously bound to the matriarch of clan Vaulgres, a leader loved by her people. It is now in the hands of the Brezcan, who took the Vaulgres' place among the great four clans through scheming and deceit.

    Figure of Goblets Many of the guilds and clans have been using these to explore remote parts of Emervald. A few daring arcanists are even trying to make them suitable for walking under water.

    Figure of Goblets
Many of the guilds and clans have been using these to explore remote parts of Emervald. A few daring arcanists are even trying to make them suitable for walking under water.

    How old I (don't) hear you ask? Probably older than a few of you :) The pencil one is from the late 90s, she even had wings back then, because of course she had.

    How old I (don't) hear you ask?
Probably older than a few of you :)
The pencil one is from the late 90s, she even had wings back then, because of course she had.
    How old I (don't) hear you ask?
Probably older than a few of you :)
The pencil one is from the late 90s, she even had wings back then, because of course she had.
    How old I (don't) hear you ask?
Probably older than a few of you :)
The pencil one is from the late 90s, she even had wings back then, because of course she had.
    How old I (don't) hear you ask?
Probably older than a few of you :)
The pencil one is from the late 90s, she even had wings back then, because of course she had.

    I think I'm pretty good at thumbnails

    I think I'm pretty good at thumbnails

