Matthieu Cousin@insidematthieu

    I gotta get spookier

    I gotta get spookier
    I gotta get spookier
    Matthieu Cousin@insidematthieu

    Still want to make this spooky comic idea

    Still want to make this spooky comic idea
    Still want to make this spooky comic idea
    Matthieu Cousin@insidematthieu

    Don't have much to show off lately, sry

    Don't have much to show off lately, sry
    Don't have much to show off lately, sry
    Matthieu Cousin@insidematthieu

    Some early designs for Diego and Orbot from the Nick short "Space mission: Danger"

    Some early designs for Diego and Orbot from the Nick short "Space mission: Danger"
    Some early designs for Diego and Orbot from the Nick short "Space mission: Danger"
    Some early designs for Diego and Orbot from the Nick short "Space mission: Danger"
    Some early designs for Diego and Orbot from the Nick short "Space mission: Danger"
    Matthieu Cousin@insidematthieu

    am sick, cant draw too much without head hurting ; I

    am sick, cant draw too much without head hurting ; I