Matthieu Cousin@insidematthieu

    Still want to make this spooky comic idea

    Still want to make this spooky comic idea
    Still want to make this spooky comic idea
    Matthieu Cousin@insidematthieu

    Don't have much to show off lately, sry

    Don't have much to show off lately, sry
    Don't have much to show off lately, sry
    Matthieu Cousin@insidematthieu

    Some early designs for Diego and Orbot from the Nick short "Space mission: Danger"

    Some early designs for Diego and Orbot from the Nick short "Space mission: Danger"
    Some early designs for Diego and Orbot from the Nick short "Space mission: Danger"
    Some early designs for Diego and Orbot from the Nick short "Space mission: Danger"
    Some early designs for Diego and Orbot from the Nick short "Space mission: Danger"
    Matthieu Cousin@insidematthieu

    am sick, cant draw too much without head hurting ; I

    am sick, cant draw too much without head hurting ; I
    Matthieu Cousin@insidematthieu

    Why does everyone in Golden Kamui look so goddamn cool

    Why does everyone in Golden Kamui look so goddamn cool
    Why does everyone in Golden Kamui look so goddamn cool
    Why does everyone in Golden Kamui look so goddamn cool