Matthieu Cousin@insidematthieu

    Self indulgent drawings

    Self indulgent drawings
    Self indulgent drawings
    Matthieu Cousin@insidematthieu

    Sorry for not uploading much, I'll have cool things to show you all soon tho (and by soon I mean about a year or two)

    Sorry for not uploading much, I'll have cool things to show you all soon tho (and by soon I mean about a year or two)
    Sorry for not uploading much, I'll have cool things to show you all soon tho (and by soon I mean about a year or two)
    Matthieu Cousin@insidematthieu

    Thought it might be fun to share some of the initial ideas for the cover as well!

    Thought it might be fun to share some of the initial ideas for the cover as well!
    Thought it might be fun to share some of the initial ideas for the cover as well!
    Thought it might be fun to share some of the initial ideas for the cover as well!
    Matthieu Cousin@insidematthieu

    Watching it again made me wanna do a quick doodle

    Watching it again made me wanna do a quick doodle
    Matthieu Cousin@insidematthieu

    Maybe this should be my everyday warmup motif from now on, just Cell screaming

    Maybe this should be my everyday warmup motif from now on, just Cell screaming