Katherine Crossan@sirKackington

    I'm cleaning up my files and I found this. I don't have context for this but it made me laugh so here you go. :)

    I'm cleaning up my files and I found this. I don't have context for this but it made me laugh so here you go. :)
    Katherine Crossan@sirKackington

    This is probably one of my favorite orange faces

    This is probably one of my favorite orange faces
    Katherine Crossan@sirKackington

    What are three of your own overused character design features? Mine are: 1. short hair on women 2. sharp teeth on women 3. even though these women have short hair they have hair everywhere else :) https://t.co/1n7EcuwG96

    What are three of your own overused character design features? Mine are:

1. short hair on women
2. sharp teeth on women
3. even though these women have short hair they have hair everywhere else :)

    What are three of your own overused character design features? Mine are:

1. short hair on women
2. sharp teeth on women
3. even though these women have short hair they have hair everywhere else :)

    What are three of your own overused character design features? Mine are:

1. short hair on women
2. sharp teeth on women
3. even though these women have short hair they have hair everywhere else :)

    What are three of your own overused character design features? Mine are:

1. short hair on women
2. sharp teeth on women
3. even though these women have short hair they have hair everywhere else :)

    Katherine Crossan@sirKackington

    Hey...... do you remember Monsters vs Aliens......... when the tv show came out in 2013 my friends and I had this AU and I drew my self insert werewolf character with Susan all the time because I had a huge (haha) crush on her. anyway... now I'm showing you. 🙃

    Hey...... do you remember Monsters vs Aliens......... when the tv show came out in 2013 my friends and I had this AU and I drew my self insert werewolf character with Susan all the time because I had a huge (haha) crush on her. anyway... now I'm showing you. 🙃
    Hey...... do you remember Monsters vs Aliens......... when the tv show came out in 2013 my friends and I had this AU and I drew my self insert werewolf character with Susan all the time because I had a huge (haha) crush on her. anyway... now I'm showing you. 🙃
    Hey...... do you remember Monsters vs Aliens......... when the tv show came out in 2013 my friends and I had this AU and I drew my self insert werewolf character with Susan all the time because I had a huge (haha) crush on her. anyway... now I'm showing you. 🙃
    Hey...... do you remember Monsters vs Aliens......... when the tv show came out in 2013 my friends and I had this AU and I drew my self insert werewolf character with Susan all the time because I had a huge (haha) crush on her. anyway... now I'm showing you. 🙃
    Katherine Crossan@sirKackington

    she is 5 inches tall and angry :)

    she is 5 inches tall and angry :)

