✏️ Finished artwork from yesterday's speedpaint, where I tried to replicate the art styles of some of my all-time favorite manga series! ✏️ °˖✧If you wanna see the process that went into these drawings, check out the full video over on YouTube!✧˖° - https://t.co/NcHzeGhcai

    ✏️ Finished artwork from yesterday's speedpaint, where I tried to replicate the art styles of some of my all-time favorite manga series! ✏️ 

°˖✧If you wanna see the process that went into these drawings, check out the full video over on YouTube!✧˖°  - https://t.co/NcHzeGhcai

    There is no escape 🧊⛏️

    There is no escape 🧊⛏️
    There is no escape 🧊⛏️
    There is no escape 🧊⛏️
    There is no escape 🧊⛏️

    💗 New Video! 💗 Today, I wanted to do a lil' bit of world-building for "Heartless" by taking a look at some side characters, and the sides they're on! 👀 "Making Side Characters for an Old Story! | Concept Corner – HEARTLESS #3" link: https://t.co/gAJ7WtGrGk

    💗 New Video! 💗

Today, I wanted to do a lil' bit of world-building for "Heartless" by taking a look at some side characters, and the sides they're on! 👀

"Making Side Characters for an Old Story! | Concept Corner – HEARTLESS #3"

link: https://t.co/gAJ7WtGrGk

    ⚔️ Finished artwork from yesterday's #DemonSlayer speedpaint! ⚔️ (Plus some detail close-ups 👀 Super happy with how this one turned out!) Check out the full speedpaint video here: https://t.co/zEwn423edt

    ⚔️ Finished artwork from yesterday's #DemonSlayer speedpaint! ⚔️ (Plus some detail close-ups 👀 Super happy with how this one turned out!)

Check out the full speedpaint video here: https://t.co/zEwn423edt
    ⚔️ Finished artwork from yesterday's #DemonSlayer speedpaint! ⚔️ (Plus some detail close-ups 👀 Super happy with how this one turned out!)

Check out the full speedpaint video here: https://t.co/zEwn423edt
    ⚔️ Finished artwork from yesterday's #DemonSlayer speedpaint! ⚔️ (Plus some detail close-ups 👀 Super happy with how this one turned out!)

Check out the full speedpaint video here: https://t.co/zEwn423edt

    Personal favorite costume elements that I use in character designs all the goddang time??? HACKED!! >:3c

    Personal favorite costume elements that I use in character designs all the goddang time???
HACKED!! >:3c

