kim stramat@kimstramat

    Here's a commission of a player's character named Raff in the #Inktober style. This was such a fun piece to do. AND..... you too can commission me for artwork! Just email me at and I will get back to you with a price.

    Here's a commission of a player's character named Raff in the #Inktober style.
This was such a fun piece to do.
AND..... you too can commission me for artwork! Just email me at and I will get back to you with a price.
    kim stramat@kimstramat

    Hey folks! Tis the season when perhaps you'd like to commission artwork done of your character. Do you want to commission me? B&W Portrait commissions are $60 each. Or if you want color or a full figure email me and we can discuss it. Contact:

    Hey folks! Tis the season when perhaps you'd like to commission artwork done of your character. 
Do you want to commission me? B&W Portrait commissions are $60 each. Or if you want color or a full figure email me and we can discuss it. 
    Hey folks! Tis the season when perhaps you'd like to commission artwork done of your character. 
Do you want to commission me? B&W Portrait commissions are $60 each. Or if you want color or a full figure email me and we can discuss it. 
    kim stramat@kimstramat

    I did these one sentence stories in my sketchbook last month. I hope to do some more soon since I learned a lot doing them and they were fun.

    I did these one sentence stories in my sketchbook last month. I hope to do some more soon since I learned a lot doing them and they were fun.
    I did these one sentence stories in my sketchbook last month. I hope to do some more soon since I learned a lot doing them and they were fun.
    kim stramat@kimstramat

    Hello to my new followers~! And those who have been here through the ages. For the new folk you can conveniently see all of my Inktobers, since it my more recent art, now in one tidy place!

    Hello to my new followers~! And those who have been here through the ages. For the new folk you can conveniently see all of my Inktobers, since it my more recent art, now in one tidy place!
    kim stramat@kimstramat

    A commission of a player's platinum dragonborn by the name of Valthir. Fun fact about this piece: This drawing was done in 5 minute increments, which is an anything but a fun way to work.

    A commission of a player's platinum dragonborn by the name of Valthir.

Fun fact about this piece: This drawing was done in 5 minute increments, which is an anything but a fun way to work.


